Week 2: Contemplating the Life and Call of Jesus -- Day 9 (Saturday June 2)

I ask Jesus out Lord that I might not be deaf to his call in my life and that I might be ready and willing to do what he wants (Spiritual Exercises 91)

This prayer period is devoted to a consideration of three types of persons. Each one of them has come to have quite a few possessions -- not always acquired int the most honest way or with the best motives. In general, each one... would like to serve God, even to the extent that if these possessions were to come in the way of being open to God's invitation, each type of person would like to be set free of them (Spiritual Exercises 150 & 151)

When we are trying to follow the loving invitation of God in our life, we will find that the good spirit tends to give support, encouragement, and oftentimes a certain delight in all our endeavours (Spiritual Exercises 329)

On the one hand, the good spirit bring about... consolation in order to strengthen and to speed the progress of our life in Christ. The evil spirit, on the other hand, arouses good feelings so that we might be drawn to focus our attention on the wrong things, or to pursue a more selfish motivation, or to get our own way before all else (Spiritual Exercises 331).

It's our desire today to contemplate how to be free enough to make choices which are in harmony with God's will as it unfolds in my life. We are attached to so many things in our lives, things that often lead us away from choosing God's will. Today we'll focus on the Temptation of Jesus and pray for his strength to resist those things that pull us away from him.

Using Composition of Place read and reflect on the following passage:

Matthew 4: 1-11

if you have time also focus on Luke 9:23-25

Questions to Reflect On:
  1. How great is my desire to do God's will when it means setting aside my own dreams ans plans.
  2. How far am I willing to go in sacrificing my own satisfaction or pleasure in order to love as completely and selflessly as Jesus did?
  3. Am I aware of any fears that prevent me from moving forward in freedom?
  4. Am I aware of other attachments that keep me from experiencing the freedom of Jesus?

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