Week 2: Contemplating the Life and Call of Jesus -- Day 8 (Friday June 1)

Those who are of great heart and set on fire with zeal to follow Jesus, eternal King and Lord of all, will not only offer themselves entirely to labour for such a mission, but will act against anything which would make their response less total. They would want to express themselves in such words as these:

"Eternal Lord and King of all creation, I humbly come before you.... I am moved by your grace to offer myself to you and your work. I deeply desure to be with you in accpeting all wrongs and all rejections and all poverty, both actual and spiritual -- and I deliberately choose this, if it is for your greater service and praise. If you, my Lord and King, would so call and choose me, then take me into such a way of life" (Spiritual Exercises 97 & 98).

Today our task is to contemplate, and marvel at the unique invitations and calls of God which have given shape and form to my life and my decisions.

We move blindly through our lives, don't we? Making decisions, choosing directions (except maybe the big ones) without giving them a whole lot of thought. The fact is the experiences of our lives, our families, our deepest fears, and our deepest convictions all influence our decisions and choices for good and for ill. For the person of faith God uses each of these influences to draw us down a path, but at each step of the way we have the choice to follow. It's important then, to know ourselves and so be able to respond in the most whole-hearted way to God's call, to be able to discern the directions of our lives.

Using Composition of Place, read and reflect on the following passage:

Jeremiah 1:4-8
Matthew 10:1-16

Questions to Reflect On:
  1. As I read Matthew 10:1-16 how have I understood Jesus sharing his mission with me? How has Jesus used ordinary events in my life to help me discern his will?
  2. What does my pesonal history reveal to me of the particular way in which I have been called by God?
  3. What role has my family of origin played in my personal vocation?
  4. How does my personal vocation reveal to me the way in which I am meant to be a disciple?

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