Week 2: Contemplating the Life and Call of Jesus -- Day 7 (Thursday May 31)

With God inviting and with victory assured, how can anyone in their right mind not surrender to Jesus and his call to labour with Him (Spiritual Exercises 96)

Today we'll focus on experiencing the call of God to be a disciple who loves Jesus intimately and follows him closely.

Rather than the typical exercise we're going to try something a little different today.

Experiencing the call of God to be a disciple means learning to live a prayerfully, to work worshipfully, and to walk in God's will wherever we are. The exercise we are about to do is an exercise in practicing openness of mind and heart to God at all times and among all people. Jesus' call necessarily moves us from contemplation to action.

The picture on to the left will be your focus for a time of prayerful reflection and listening to God. Spend some time gazing at this picture and then reflect on the following questions

1. Encounter Life --What do I see, hear and feel? What is the human story behind the picture?

2. Reflect On Life In Light of the Word -- What passage of Scripture comes to mind, and what is the connection?

3. Discern the Presence of Jesus -- What does Jesus see, hear and feel? Have a conversation with Jesus about this picture and what it reprensents for me and for him (if you're journaling record it in your journal)

4. Respond to God's Call -- What is Jesus saying to me through this experience?

1 comment:

Pastor Mike said...

1. I see a man, probably with AIDS who is so sick and weak that he can't even bathe himself. So, like a little child he needs to be helped by someon who is strong.

I hear his laboured breathing and the creaking of brittle bones. I hear the rush of water, and the slipping rub of unsteady heals on the procelain tub. I hear his groans.

I feel his anguish and hurt, his embarassment at the loss of his dignity and independence. But I feel his gratitude for the strong hands and generous hearts of his helpers, and for their compassion, mercy and grace which actually work to restore his dignity. I feel compassion.

2. The passage that comes to mind for me is Matthew 25:40 "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." I think the connection to the pciture is pretty obvious. This man is one of the least of these. Which means that the men that are bathing him are not in fact just bathing him, but Jesus. That's amazing!

3. I think Jesus sees, hears, and feel very much the same things that I do, only much deeper. He actually know this man's pain and anguish because in his mercy and grace and love he has suffered it.

I'll keep my conversation with Jesus to myself, but I'll tell you the outcome, I feel challenged.

4. Jesus is saying get involved. He didn't say
"whatever you FELT for one of the least of these brothers of mine...;" rather, "whatever you DID." I know that I've got to do something, I just need to find out what.