Welcome to Mike's 30-Day Retreat

Hey Everyone, welcome to my 30-Day Retreat. I'm glad you've stopped by and hope that you'll join me on this journey of knowing God more intimately, and being drawn into the friendship of Jesus.

Over the next 30 days I'll be posting some "Spiritual Exercises" that I'll be doing, based on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. I'd love it if you'd give them a whirl too.

Understandably you might be a little unsure. Many protestants are a little dubious when it comes to anything that smacks of Catholicism (something I find lamentable -- there's so much we can learn about discipleship from our Catholic brothers and sisters). If so, you might want to check out the following website:


You'll notice that the Jesuit motto Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (or A.M.D.G.) - "For the greater glory of God," along with their summary phrase "Finding God in all things," are very Reformed indeed.

Along with the exercises I'll also be posting a short summary of my own experiences from each day, which I'll invite your comments on. Also, feel free to post any and all of your own thoughts and feelings about your own experiences, and/or comment on what I or others have written insofar as it's helpful and not derogatory or condemnatory in any way.

Here's how the 30 days will be set up:

First few days -- Principle and Foundation -- This week is all about discovering who we are in God -- beloved children

Week 1 -- Contemplating our Sin -- Sounds dark I know! But, this is more about knowing and understanding yourself as a loved sinner than it is about dwelling on our sin. It's really not so bad

Week 2 -- Contemplating the Life of Jesus -- we reflect on how Jesus lived as a way to receive grace and be inspired to live as he did.

Week 3 -- Contemplating the Passion and Death of Jesus -- entering into Jesus' suffering as a way of experiencing a certain kind of solidarity with Jesus, which creates a thankful heart.

Week 4 -- Experiencing the Resurrection of Jesus -- learning to live in the power and light of the resurrection.

We'll begin this retreat on Tuesday, May 15, 2007.

Happy Retreating!

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