I speak to Jesus, my God and Saviour, and stay with him through everything that happens... (Spiritual Exercises 198).
... Just as in human situations of taking care of the sick or ministering to the dying, our presence is often more important than our faltering words or awkward actions, so too to be with Jesus in his Passion describes our prayer response at this time better than any words or actions.... We should remember that faced with our shirking of human pain and suffering of the passion, we may have to pray for the gift of even wanting to experience it with Christ.... (Spiritual Exercises 199).
Using Composition of Place read and reflect on the following passages:
Luke 22:54- 23: 25
Questions to Reflect On:
- How do I give my compassion to the suffering people of this world?
- Have I acted on my beliefs? How can I be an agent of change?
- In what ways have I like Peter effectively said, "I don't know him?"
- When I am with Jesus in his suffering what feelings do I notice? How can I use those feelings to address inequality and injustice in our world?
If you have time...
Rent Mel Gibson's, The Passion of the Christ. As you watch it, what do you notice going on inside you?
Hi Pastor Mike - I would love to do your retreat - but I cant find my way to the first day - please help!
Hi Pastor Mike - Thanks! I did find May and just discovered it's the ? that you have to click on! The retreat looks wonderful - you put a lot into it. I have a friend who has been going through a really tough time in her life and as I was praying for her God lead me to your blog. He told me to send her the link. She had been looking for something special to do for lent and she is going to start your 30 day retreat on Ash Wednesday! So there are at least 2 people who would love the to see it through. But you do what ever the Lord tells you to do - I am sure there is much to receive from what you have written already.
Bless you and your loved ones,
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